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With YOGA!

I started practicing yoga in October/November of 2012.  I never thought it would become such a huge part of my life.  At first, I was doing it as a form of exercise.  I immediately realized that as well as making my body feel good, it was the only time in a day that my mind stayed quiet (ok… mostly quiet).  That’s when I fell in love with it.  A quiet mind, even if it’s only for an hour a couple of times a week, is a little slice of heaven.

A year and a half later, I find myself making time each day for yoga.  It always makes me feel wonderful.  At the end of class on Monday night, the teacher looked at me and said “You looks blissed-out” and giggled a bit.

Here are the reasons I love yoga:

  • It forces me to slow down.
  • It helps me ground.
  • My mind gets calm.  (This used to be very rare.)
  • Yoga is ME time.
  • I listen to my body more, on and off the mat.
  • I feel a lot more positive about life and deal with things more calmly.
  • It has taught me patience for myself and others.
  • I feel more love.  🙂
  • Breathing!  So awesome.

When I talk to people about yoga, I tell them that it’s probably the only time/place I feel graceful, strong, able, un-judged, happy, centred, peaceful and BEAUTIFUL.  Who doesn’t want to feel like that???  Even if it’s just for a little slice of time in your day or week.

It wasn’t always that way though.  I struggled with poses, balance and ease for a while.  Like everything else:  you have to have the patience to suck at first.  But then one day, things just started to click.  Poses got easier, I was breathing into some good stretches and things just started to feel really good.

I hope to be able to get my teacher certification next year.  In the meantime, this is what my reading list looks like:

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I follow this wonderful Yogi named Adrien Mishler.  I just love her.  She’s quirky and funny and goofy and sometimes she swears, which cracks me up.  I’m doing her Reboot right now and am loving it.  She posted a book list with many of the above books a few weeks ago and mentioned starting a book club.  Man, was I excited!  I want to learn as much as I can.  It’s so fun.

On a completely different note, I haven’t had much time recently to knit/crochet.  Strange, but the urge is not as strong lately.  These are a few of the little projects I’ve managed to churn out in the past month or so.


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I guess I’ve been a BIT busy travelling.  I know I haven’t posted any pictures of Vegas but we’re waiting to get all our pictures together.   Then… watch out!

That’s it for me for today.

(Blogging has become difficult for some reason.  I feel a bit like I don’t have anything to say.  Or sometimes, that the words just don’t flow.  Maybe I’ll get over it.  Or maybe I’m just having too much fun.  :))

I Might be Obsessed…
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